Game Designer, Programmer, QA TEster


What I Played This Week (10/11/2020)

Short post this week, got busy unpacking.

I finally got the TV mounted on the wall, which gave us room to unpack the consoles. I haven’t actually played anything on the ol’ Xbox or PlayStation, but the Xbox is updated now so I guess I can now. But I have been playing on the PC, Switch, and Phone still. 

Hades: I saw some things in my work Slack about Hades that really made me want to keep playing. I have gotten to the final boss fight (the second part anyways) a handful of times but have never been able to get past that last challenge. 

Hearthstone: Battlegrounds is still fun, elementals are probably too powerful. Standard is fine, but I don’t play it much. When I do, it’s face hunter, good for short games that mostly end with me winning.

Star Wars: Squadrons: Really enjoying Squadrons multiplayer, I’m hopeful that they continue to add content to it (B-wings please), because I really enjoy the vroom and the pew-pew, but there’s not much stuff there right now. 2 modes, 5 maps (one of which is completely empty) isn’t a lot of game. The game that is there was definitely worth the price of admission though.

Sam Gronhovd